I've decided to make this my primary personal blog and post here what I'd been posting on MySpace. It's not going to be strictly a military blog or a political blog or a travel blog; it's going to be sort of "all of the above".
In the past, I tried promoting this blog, and while I am proud of some of the writings on this blog, I think I can still deliver the same stuff I delivered before, but without the self-promotion or self-restriction. In short, you'll be getting me, no more, no less. I have some online readers whom I've never met and some close personal friends and family who've perhaps never seen me really get into the political stuff.
Keeping the different sides of myself segregated into different websites hasn't worked so well for me. Darrell, CarbonDate, and SSgt K (sorry, no last names here) aren't different people, no matter how much I tried to keep the three separate. Instead, I'll just let my writing speak for itself, and if people don't always like what they see, then that's life.
But yes, I'm back, and I'll be seeing about getting other contributors to come on board and actually contribute ;).